At core the new "populate or our future fortunes will perish" cry is the ultimate national pyramid scheme. We need to get to 36 -- or 50? -- million, to have the taxpaying workforce to support the now ageing baby-boomers. Beware of a Japanese-style population implosion!
Oh yeah? And when all those younger new arrivals start to age, we will presumably then need to move to 72 -- or 100 -- million, to have a sufficiently large taxpaying workforce to support them. Just as every boom busts, even our China one will; the laws of arithmetic always topple even the most elegant pyramid scheme.
Population policy a national pyramid scheme | The Australian
タイトルにネズミ講?とつけたのは、この記事を最初に見つけたのが、いつものinterest.co.nzで、ここにAustralia's immigration Ponzi scheme と紹介されていたためで、他意はないですよ~。
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